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Crop 4 Energy Scheme

Crop 4 Energy payment scheme is an adopted payment scheme to continue Asolar’s drive to Electrify Rural Areas and Farmers by collaborating/partnering with Cooperatives, Farmers and Local Agencies to pay for affordable energy source using their crops. Asset will belong to farmer after
completion of payment


How it works


Asolar & Aggregator Agreement / MOU

MOU Agreement between Asolar & Aggregator Commission structure Payment Terms Off take or Milestone payment


Aggregator Crop/Community Sensitization

Crop & Community Selection Aggregator to select the crop & communities to participate Sensitization of the Farmers Understanding the program and Milestone payment


Contract with Farmers (Crop 4 Energy)

MOU Agreement between Aggregator & Farmers Payment Terms Total Milestone payment Agreement


Down payment + 1st Milestone

Crop Evaluation for Payment Aggregator will collect crops from farmer the Value (agreed value) of down payment and 1 year payment eWallet Confirmation Farmer get notification of the value in eWallet and the duration of energy purchased.


Solar System Installment

Asolar Solar Product deployment.
Solar Product Installation
System Activation Solar System Energy unlocked


2+ Milestone Payment

Crop Evaluation for Payment Aggregator: will collect crops from farmer the Value (agreed value) of pending Milestones
eWallet Confirmation: Farmer get notification of the value in eWallet and the duration of energy purchased.

Farmer’s Willingness + Crop Value


Aggregator’s Crop 4 Energy Program Management

Affordable Energy by Asolar